Program Info
Rapid ReHousing (RRH) assists young adults in locating safe housing, gaining employment, and developing the life skills to be self-supporting by allowing them to work closely with their Life Skills Counselor, Housing Stability Coach, and/or Mental Health Therapist. The program offers rental assistance with the expectation that the client will eventually assume responsibility of the full rent, at a time decided between the client and the agency.
Services include:
- Rental assistance in scattered-site, market-rate apartments for which leases are in their own names
- Start-up funding for basic furnishings, household goods, food, and transportation expenses
- Supervision, counseling, and instruction in such topics as home maintenance, cooking, and neighbor relations
- Contact with community resources to sustain independence
- Assistance in re-enrolling in school or registering for a GED preparation program
- Contact with tutoring or remedial services as needed
- Assistance with study and time management skills
- Assistance with resume preparation
- Preparation for interviewing and related soft and hard skills necessary for successful employment
- Assistance in assembling required documentation (e.g., birth certificate, social security card, etc.)
The Transitional Rapid Rehousing (T-RRH) program has the ability to house young people experiencing homelessness or housing instability immediately. Clients in T-RRH can stay in Valley Youth House apartments for up to 90 days while a more permanent solution is secured for them. On a weekly basis, clients learn what it feels like to have their own place, live in a new neighborhood, and develop independent living skills. All of this is accomplished without clients having to commit to a yearly lease.
The Rapid ReHousing for Families program is a program that aims to provide housing stability for families to quickly exit homelessness and return to housing in the community. This includes housing identification and lease support, rental assistance, case management, employment assistance and other life skills training.
The Rapid ReHousing for Youth (TH-RRH) program helps unstably housed young adults and families obtain a stable place to live by assisting them in obtaining their own apartment. Case Managers assist clients in maintaining housing by helping them obtain and maintain employment, providing them with money management and budgeting skills, and connecting them to long-term resources in the community. Housing is provided for up to 90 days with the intention of transitioning them into the Rapid ReHousing Program or another stable living situation.