
Donate Today to Make a Difference in the Life of a Young Person!
At Valley Youth House, we are working with
young people who are going through difficult
times, often at no fault of their own.
Sometimes, a family crisis results in a child being
taken out of their home, a teenager running away,
or an 18-year-old deciding they are ready to leave
foster care and live on their own, only to discover
they were not quite prepared.
Whatever the situation, Valley Youth House is
here to help! As an essential, life-sustaining
non-profit organization, the doors of Valley Youth
House have remained open through this lifealtering
pandemic to help youth and families
who need our services.
Now more than ever, young people and
families need emergency supplies, life skills
training, housing, and therapeutic support

Donate Change, Create Change.

In an effort to raise funds and awareness for Valley Youth House, CrossAmerica Partners operated stores annually sells Wall Cards for $1 or more during the months of November and December! Customers may also round up their order and donate their change to the campaign.