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Mentoring Opportunities


(484) 999 – 8214

The Chester County Mentoring Program Network creates collaborative links between the county and community-based mentoring programs.

The goal of the program is to connect youth with an adult to assist in personal growth and over all development. The program requires adults to connect with their mentee one time per month. Youth participants have the ability to earn stipends for the completion of Mentoring Surveys.

Youth who are eligible for this program are former or current youth with a history in the child welfare system between the ages of 14 and 21 who currently reside in Chester County.


(215) 574 – 9194

AMPLIFY is the Achieving Independence Center [AIC] Mentoring Program, designed to pair dynamic, caring adults in the community with young people in foster care. AMPLIFY provides matching services, ongoing match support, center-sponsored outings and activities, and ongoing trainings for mentors in the community to continuously build their skills in mentorship and youth work. Follow us on Instagram for mentoring tips, events and local resources at @AMPLIFYatAIC

To get started on your mentoring journey, please email Ryshawna Fisher at

AMPLIFY is the Mentoring program of the Achieving Independence Center.  This program supports youth in foster care ages 14-21 in their transition into adulthood.  A brand new program for, Valley Youth House / The Achieving Independence Center,  Amplify offers expanding opportunities and community connections for young people.

The goal of the program is to build meaningful relationships that will prove to be beneficial for young people as they focus on social, housing, education and employment goals.


(610) 272 – 2946

The Montgomery County Older Youth Mentoring Program serves adolescents  between the ages of 10 and 20 who have involvement with the foster care system. The program helps the youth from mentoring relationships with caring adults who help them improve their well-being and achieve self-sufficiency.

The mentoring program affords the opportunity for youth to build self-esteem, develop a permanent relationship with an adult, establish a network of support, and build social skills.

The program is closely connected with the Montgomery County Independent Living Program, which Valley Youth House has collaboratively managed through a contract with the Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth.


(267) 428 – 6686

The Family Respite Program provides support, role modeling, tutoring, recreational activities, in-home respite and life skills development on an outreach basis to at-risk children/youth and children/youth with various mental health diagnoses. Services occur in the client’s home, daycare, or community. Family Respite Programs are only available in the Lehigh Valley.